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Our Bundle Practice Pack covers the common tests you are going to face in the BAE assessment.
The Bundle Practice Pack includes:

  • Basic Math
  • Numerical Reasoning
  • Verbal Reasoning
  • Logical Reasoning (Inductive & Deductive)
  • Situational Judgement Tests
  • Personality Tests
  • Error Checking Tests
  • Mechanical Reasoning

Tests: 148 Questions: +2000

BAE systems is one of the biggest names in global security. According to the company, they employ over 83,000 people worldwide and provide a slew of products and services to benefit the air, land, and naval forces. The company is also focused on pioneering in the electronics and information technology industry.

Frankly, they are a company anyone could be proud to work for.

However, the hiring process at BAE is intricate in intense. After all, they can’t just hire anyone to one of the largest defence companies in the world. So, let’s take a look at the BAE hiring process and how you can prepare for success.

BAE Hiring Process

The BAE hiring process begins like all others, completing an application and submitting a resume. You work experience and references will be highly considered, but your education is also a major factor in the recruitment process.

According to their website, BAE Systems focus on applications that provide full details about degree modules and final year projects as well as personal achievements. They also look at the ability to provide this information succinctly and with plain English, as it reflects an applicant’s ability to communicate.

Opportunities from the company vary greatly, and so do the pre-hiring assessment exams.

BAE Aptitude System Tests

Depending on the position you are seeking, you will encounter one of two systems test assessments.

SHL assessment focuses on a candidate’s ability to reason and evaluate complex problems. This type of assessment involves graduate numerical reasoning and verified calculation tests. This assessment is complex and usually given to those seeking more graduated roles within the company.

The cut-e engineer exams are comprised of 3 portions.

First of the bunch, the engineer numerical test is based on the full cut-e Numerical Ability Test and evaluates the candidate’s ability to process data and make effective conclusions based on complex, numerical tables and charts.

This portion of the cut-e exam bundle is often found to be stressful due to  its strict 12-minute time limit.

Next is the cut-e verbal reasoning exam. This test determines a candidate’s aptitude in analysis of verbal information. This portion of the exam is also timed.

The last portion of the cut-e exams is deductive reasoning. This test only allows 6 minutes for completion and focuses on a candidate’s ability to use logic to determine the repetition of a pattern.

Other BAE Aptitude Assessments

BAE recruits will also be asked to complete an SJT (situational judgment test). This is a traditional pre-employment assessment which focuses on behavioural skills and a candidate’s natural ability to properly react in situations.

The SJT may be slightly different depending on which position you are applying for, but the process of prep remains the same.

BAE Interviewing Process

If you successfully complete your assessments, you may be asked to complete a BAE systems group exercise. This involves joining a group event in the assessment centre where you may be asked to problem-solve, play games, or have discussions with your team. Your contribution to the group overall will determine your score.

After all the assessments and the group project, you may finally make it to the in-face interview.

The interview will focus heavily on your competencies and past experiences, and it is recommended that you prepare yourself with thoughtful questions to ask the recruiter. You want to show them why you are a better choice than other interviewees who also passed the assessments.

Give them examples of times you went above and beyond in the workplace and offer them stories that show what a great leader you are.

The best applicants have studied the position’s requirements and offer anecdotes that reflect the skills and assets BAE is looking for.

If you can make it to the interview, your chance of hire goes up exponentially. That’s why it is such a great idea to study and prepare for the assessments. 

How to Study and Prep for BAE Assessment Tests

BAE is a prestigious company with important roles, which is exemplified through their rigorous assessment system. Preparing for their tests takes an in-depth look at the tests involved. That is why an assessment prep course is your best option.

At JobAssessmentHelp, we have curated in-depth, current, and effective study guides and practice tests to give you the advantage you need. Our materials range from numerical, verbal, inductive, deductive, and logical reasoning to situational and personality judgement. Even the most difficult of exams can be mastered with the help of your study aids.

You’ve spent years gaining the education it takes to apply at BAE Systems, so don’t let their assessments stop you from achieving your dream career.

If you are ready to prep yourself for your BAE evaluation tests, check out JobAssessmentHelp today.
