Hogan HPI Test
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Our Personality Practice Pack covers the common tests and traits you are going to face in Hogan’s Personality Assessment (including Hogan HPI).
The pack includes:
  • Personality Tests
  • Study Guides
Tests: 3 Questions: 300

What Is the Hogan HPI Test?

The Hogan HPI Test is the Hogan Personality Inventory Test. Robert Hogan created it in the late 1980s. The test is based on the five-factor model of personalities. The Hogan HPI tries to capture behavioural tendencies of potential employees as relevant to life themes of ‘getting ahead of others’ and ‘getting along with others.’  

The Hogan HPI Test is used by companies like IBM, HSBC, Bank of America and more. It is available in over 40 languages, and it has been used to assess 3 million participants. Over 1000 research studies have validated the Hogan HPI test for use.

The Bright/Dark Sides of Human Personality

The HPI test measures the bright and dark sides of a person’s personality. The bright side of a person’s personality are the qualities attributed to the person when he/she is in control. The bright side is always exhibited when a person is successful and happy. The dark side of a person’s personality is usually exhibited whenever the person is tired, hungry, agitated and under stress. Both sides could be exhibited within a person’s professional and personal life. HPI tests both the bright and dark side of a person’s personality. HPI tests a person’s potential to grow.

Robert Hogan and his team of psychologists believe that that personality is the most important factor that determines achievement. Robert Hogan and his team believe that the habits of an individual are more important than the individual’s skills, training, and experience in determining if the individual will succeed or not. 

The bright side of a person’s personality reflects their potential for growth. The dark side of a person’s personality reflects their capacity for failure. The dark side of a person’s personality shows how the person reacts under stress.  

Scales Used by the HPI Test

The HPI test measures normal personality across the following seven scales:

  1. Adjustment: Low scorers under this scale often open to feedback, honest and candid, and they are often self-critical and moody. High scorers under this scale are often resistant to feedback, calm and steady under pressure.
  2. Ambition: Low scorers under this scale are often willing to let others lead, complacent and good team players. High scorers under this scale are often restless, forceful, competitiveness and energetic
  3. Sociability: Low scorers under this scale are often quiet, socially reactive and good at working alone. High scorers under this scale are often talkative, outgoing and lovers of attention.  
  4. Interpersonal sensitivity: Low scorers under this scale are often tough, cold, willing to confront others, frank and direct. High scorers under this scale are often conflict-averse, warm and friendly.
  5. Prudence: Low scorers under this scale are often impulsive, open-minded and flexible. High scorers under this scale are often inflexible, dependable and organised.
  6. Inquisitive: Low scorers under this scale are often uninventive, not easily bored and practical. High scorers under this scale are often poor implementers, imaginative and quick-witted.
  7. Learning approach: Low scorers under this scale are often averse to technology, focused on interests and hands-on learner. High scorers under this scale are often insightful, interested in learning and intolerant of the less-informed.

The HPI predicts work performance by measuring six occupational scales:

1. Orientation towards Service: Courteousness towards customers and attentiveness towards customers.   

2. Tolerance towards Stress: calmness under pressure and composure.  

3. Reliability: positive organizational citizenship and honesty  

4. Managerial potential: decision-making skills, planning and leadership skills 

5. Sales Potential: social skills, energy and the ability to solve problems.

6. Clerical Potential: meticulousness, the ability to communicate clearly and self-discipline.  

Format of the HPI Test

The test comprises of about 266 questions in which you provide ‘agree’ or ‘disagree’ answers to. It will take you about 15-20 minutes to complete the HPI test. The HPI test is usually conducted at assessment centers with scores, and an automated report sent immediately to prospective employers after you complete the test.  

How to Do Well in The HPI Test?

  1. Don’t aim for too high or too low scores: Yes, ambition is good. But if you are seen as too ambitious, it could also mean that you are a bad team player. So, attempting to score too high or too low in certain questions on the test to trick it in your favour can impede your overall performance on the best. 
  2. Familiarize yourself with the test questions: To do well in the test, you should get familiar with questions on the test before you go to the assessment center. When you study the traits and review the various practice questions ahead of time, you’ll be able to present your answers honestly and professionally. You won’t be caught unawares, and you will make fewer mistakes.
  3. Ask your potential employer about the test: A lot of interviewers won’t mind if you ask them how relevant the test is in the hiring process. You can ask them how the test will be used and if you’ll be able to see your results. Be polite when posing your questions.     
  4. Rest well before taking the test: Sleep well before taking the test. Sleeping well will increase your chances of passing the test and providing the right answers to the test.
  5. Be realistic with your responses:  Some responses are unreal, and test administrators can see through these responses. Be as realistic as possible with your answers on the HPI test. 

Hogan Assessment Tests

Assessment tests are one of the most effective ways for employers to categorize who you are as a person and take an inventory of what kind of employee you’ll be!

But buckling in to take one of these tests can leave you filled with anxiety and more stressed then necessary. Rather than face up to them with no preparation, we’ve brought you some insight into the assessments and how you can better prepare for them in the future!

Hogan Personality Inventory

The Hogan Personality Inventory or HPI test is created around a five-factor model of personalities. The overall goal is to capture the behaviors and tendencies that potential employees display directly related to getting ahead or getting along with others.

Some of the largest companies in the US and around the world use the HPI to screen potential candidates. Everyone from IBM to Bank of America uses the tests to make sure that each applicant they screen matches their overall company culture and policies.

Sample Questions

So you’re up against the HPI in an interview and want to study and prepare?

Here are some sample questions that will aid you in your journey toward your next best job!

Each of the questions are answered with a true or false. The idea is to accurately represent how you react in certain situations.

For example, true or false:

  1. I always have new and innovative ideas
  2. I love travelling to foreign places
  3. I find routine stifling

For each of these questions about openness, you’d give a true or false answer that would be accumulated to help showcase your personality.

Hogan Assessment Frequently Asked Questions

Not only will your potential employer have questions for you but you’ve likely got questions about the test and assessments in general!

How do I prepare for Hogan?

There are a few things you can do to help prepare yourself for the Hogan test. Start by researching the company and taking a closer look at yourself. Be honest when you take the test so you’ll know for sure whether you fit with the company. Set realistic goals when you go into the test and take a few practice tests to get a true feel for the questions.

Can You Fail the Hogan?

There are no right or wrong answers to the Hogan assessment test but if you’re not prepared, you can end up disqualified from a job you really want and fit. Each job has a different standard that you’ll be measured against so knowing what the company is looking for is important.

How Many Questions in the Hogan Test?

There are 200 questions!

Is the Hogan Assessment Test Hard?

The general consensus is that that the Hogan is a difficult test to take. With a lot of questions that are deep dives into your personality and habit. Preparation is key!

What do HPI, HDS, and MVPI Stand For?

HPI stands for Hogan Personality Inventory. HDS stands for Hogan Development Survey and MVPI stands for Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory.

How is the Hogan Personality Inventory Scored?

The key to the Hogan is percentile ranking systems and normative test results. You results are put out and compared to the results of thousands of other people who have taken the test over the time period. This data is then used  give you a percentile ranking among other test takers.

What Questions are on a Personality Test?

Personality tests are often a matter of ranking or choices rather than questions with a hard answer. You’ll be asked to rate certain situations or pretexts and your answers are used as a compilation to bring together your composite answer.

How Long Does a Hogan Assessment Take?

While 200 questions can seem like a lot, the test usually only takes 15-20 minutes to complete! Everyone takes tests differently so be sure to take that into consideration when you sit down to take the test yourself. If you need more time, set aside a longer time frame. If you’re quick, you’ll be able to finish it within the 15-20 minute time frame!

Why Should You Prepare for a Hogan Personality Test?

Each company and position requires something different when it comes to your personality and abilities. If you don’t prepare you could miss out on a job you’re really qualified for because you had one bad day and answered like it! Preparing in advance helps keep nerves at bay and let’s you answer in a way that showcases your full ability.
