- Cubiks Assessments
- Numerical Reasoning
- Verbal Reasoning
- Logical Reasoning (Inductive & Deductive)
- Situational Judgement Tests
- Personality Tests
Tests: 148 Questions: +2000
Prep Information for the Merrill Lynch Bank of America Numerical Test and Assessment Test
If you’re looking to work for the Merrill Lynch Bank of America, you probably already know that they have some stringent requirements. There will be a lot of criteria to fulfil before you can get a role with the bank; if you’ve been invited to an interview there, you may want to give yourself a leg up over the competition.
Knowing what you’re going to be facing is crucial to being prepared. If you’ve got a strong understanding of what skills you need to sharpen and what sort of challenges you’re going to be up against, you’ll have much higher chances of succeeding. Being prepared is often half the battle – and it’s a battle you can win with the right tools!
What is the Bank of America Merrill Lynch?
Bank of America Merrill Lynch is the former name for the Bank of America. The Bank of America serves approximately 10% of all bank deposits in America, and it works in investment banking, as well as commercial banking and wealth management.
The bank operates in Hong Kong, the U.S., Canada, and across Europe, and has a global market share of around 6.8%. For anyone looking to begin or further a career in the banking field, they are a major player who would make for a highly prestigious employer.
They have over 6000 offices across the globe, and offer roles to more than 250 graduates every year. Obviously, they’re a pretty appealing place to work – but it isn’t easy to gain jobs with them. You’ll have to undertake a number of assessments to prove you’re suitable for a role.
What Tests Might I Undertake to Work at Bank of America?
The test you may face will depend to some degree on the job role you’re aiming to get, but here we will cover some of the tests which you are likely to encounter. This should help you feel prepared and confident when assessment day comes!
You will usually be asked to undertake some tests online before being invited to a telephone interview, followed by attending the assessment centre with other candidates. The online tests may be repeated at the assessment centre, so it’s a good idea to do as much preparation as possible, and keep yourself practised with these tests even after you’ve completed the initial assessment.
Depending on the position you apply for, the online tests might vary, but you may face:
- Bank of America Numerical Test: This is a 20 minute test in which you will need to answer 20 questions. You’ll be given a range of numerical data, including both percentages and ratios, and asked to analyse the information. You will be given multiple choice options to choose the correct answer from. The extreme time constraint is designed to add a major difficulty to the test, and candidates should do their best to approach it with a calm head. Panicking is likely to cause you to answer questions incorrectly.
- Bank of America Logical Reasoning Test: If you’re aiming to fill a technology role, you will be expected to take a test to show your logical reasoning is strong. This is another test with an extremely tight time limit – 24 questions in 12 minutes this time. You will be shown a series of shapes, and the challenge is to identify which shape is missing from the series. This test aims to check whether you can come to correct conclusions while under high pressure. You should prepare for this exam by taking practice tests to get a feel for the exam before attempting it.
- Bank of America Competency Questions: You will also be given a set of competency questions. These questions are aimed at checking whether you are suitable for your intended position, and they are done without a time limit, so there is no stress factor here. Take your time and approach these slowly and calmly. Think about the core values of the company and whether you can demonstrate that you adhere to these values with practical examples taken from your life or work experiences.
The exams all have different criteria in order to pass them, and doing careful preparation is key to success. Read up about the exams and see if you can find anyone who has attempted them. Familiarise yourself with the time constraints and practice working with these, as they are a major part of the conditions you’ll face.
If you succeed in these areas, you will likely be invited to a telephone interview.
How Best to Prepare for Merrill Lynch Bank of America’s Numerical Test and Assessment Test:
First, discuss with the recruitment agency to see which tests are going to apply to you. Spend some time working out which test you think will pose the biggest challenge, and focus on that one in particular; being prepared will help you approach the test more calmly, and increase your chances of success.
Spend some time practising the skills you will need for both timed assessments. You may want to get a friend to time you or use a stopwatch; it’s important to factor in the time constraint, as this is one of the biggest challenges of the assessments, and is likely to make you feel flustered on the day even if you are well prepared. Work out techniques which will let you approach the test calmly, and find ways to calm yourself down if you begin to panic.
You may find it useful to impose even stricter time constraints for your practice runs. This might help you feel more relaxed about the actual exam. Focus on getting the right answer; no matter how quickly you can answer, you won’t get anything from being wrong!
We have put together materials which will help you to study for these exams, leaving you confident and fully prepared for each aspect of the test. No matter which part leaves you feeling nervous, we’ve got the material to help.