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How To Pass the Thomas International GIA Test
The Thomas International GIA Test has become increasingly popular in recent years, but the Thomas company has been a leader in the assessment industry for over 35 years. The company is known for using their assessment to create a plethora of visual data to help companies evaluate their staff and discover ways to improve productivity, overall workplace satisfaction, and bring out the best in their employees.
These assessments, namely the GIA assessment, are also useful for pre-employment assessment to ensure potential employees will make a great addition to any team.
The Thomas company has an impressive reach with over 32,000 companies using their assessment system. So, what exactly is this GIA assessment?
What is The Thomas International GIA Test?
The General Intelligence Assessment (GIA) test focuses on what Psychologist Raymond Cattell penned as fluid intelligence. According to Dr. Cattell, intelligence comes in two forms – fluid and crystallized.
Fluid Intelligence: covers a person’s overarching ability to reason, learn new things, think abstractly, and solve complex problems.
Crystallized Intelligence: is comprised of past learning and experiences, knowledge based on facts and data, and is often increased with age.
The GIA test is useful for companies because it is designed to specifically assess for fluid intelligence, which indicates how well a potential employee can learn new ideas and contribute to the growth of a company.
What is the PPA+ Assessment?
The PPA+ or Personal Profile Analysis is all about assessing a candidates fears, motivations, values, and behavior style. This is done through four main profile factors including dominance, influence, steadiness, and compliance. The assessment is short, timed at just 8 minutes and gives employers a detailed profile about how candidates will act in the job and how to boost staff morale after hiring.
What Will GIA Test Questions Look Like?
The GIA test will take between 30 and 40 minutes and half of that time is intended for instruction and tutorials. The test covers topics like:
- Reasoning
- Perceptual Speed
- Numbers (Speed and Accuracy)
- Word Meaning
- Spatial Visualization
Reasoning Questions Example:
- Matt is older than Maria. Julia is younger than Maria.
- John eats bananas, but never mangoes.
- Africa has hotter weather than Greenland. Iceland is warmer than Greenland.
Question 1: Who is oldest?
A: Matt
B: Julia
Question 2: Which does John eat more of?
A: Bananas
B: Mangoes
Questions 3: Which is coldest?
A: Greenland
B: Iceland
Perceptual Speed Question Example:
Of the four vertical pairs, how many are the same letter?

Number Speed and Accuracy Question Example:
In each set of numbers, determine whether there is a prime number.
A) 13, 2, 1
B) 23, 21, 29
C) 42, 50, 32
Word Meaning Question Example:
1. Which word is least like the other?
Portly, Grotesque, Corpulent, Pudgy
Spatial Visualization Question Example:
1. Which cube cannot be made based on the unfolded cube?

What is a GIA Score?
Your GIA score will be determined not only on the answers to each question, but on how quickly you reached said answers. Additionally, your individual answers and speeds are then compared to a control group to determine whether the scores are lower, higher, or in-line with the majority of the control group.
What is a Good GIA Score?
A good GIA score is relative to the control group to which you are compared. The scores come from 0-100 percent, and 100 is obviously the best you can do.
However, getting a 50%, which you might consider failing, is only a bad score if the control group all scored consistently higher.
Depending on the control group you may find that a 40% is considered above average or maybe a 60% is below average.
This variation in scoring is where it is so important to prepare for your GIA test.
What Happens if I Fail the GIA Test?
Like all pre-employment assessment tests, what happens if you fail the exam is completely up to the company. However, it is unlikely that a company will move forward with your hiring if you do not perform well.
However, that doesn’t mean you can’t practice and apply again later, depending on guidelines set by the company.
If you fail the GIA at one company, that also doesn’t mean you will necessarily fail at another company. This is because of the inclusion of the control group comparison for scoring.
How Do I prepare for The GIA Test?
Speed and accuracy are both crucial to doing well on the GIA, which is clear through their testing procedure. You are permitted to stay on a question as long as is necessary, but each question is intended to be answered within about 5-6 seconds.
What is truly interesting about the GIA test is that each topic of question is indecipherable from the next. Though this might seem like a disadvantage at first, it actually makes practising for the test that much easier.
The best way to prepare for the GIA test is to practice the assessment as many times as you can until you build your confidence. Using a practice test from a thorough prep company is vital to properly preparing for the GIA.
The Thomas International assessment bundle from JobAssessmentHelp is a great starting point for GIA prep. You can also try practising from a test bundle for your specific company.
Tips for Taking the GIA Test
- Focus on both speed and accuracy. Both aspects are equally important, so it isn’t wise to take too long trying to get every question right. Similarly, don’t try to answer so quickly you compromise your accuracy.
- Don’t lose time on a single question. If you are completely stuck on a question, it is better to move on and maintain your overall time. Just don’t do it often.
- Practice, practice, practice! The best thing you can do to be ready for the GIA test is to practice before hand. Practicing helps improve your speed so you can focus more on accuracy, which can also be improved through practice.
Prepping for the Thomas International GIA Tests with JobAssessmentHelp.
If you are ready to improve your chances of landing your dream job, then JobAssessmentHelp is here for you. We have a wide selection of professionally curated pre-hire assessment prep bundles which include thorough lectures, hundreds of practices tests, and thousands of individual questions.
Don’t let the GIA test scare you. Use JobAssessmentHelp’s
practice test bundles to become a GIA master.