The pack includes:
- Study Guide
- True/False/Cannot Say Questions
- Critical Thinking Skills
- Reading Comprehension
- Vocabulary & Language Presentation Mix
What Are Verbal Reasoning Tests?
A verbal reasoning test is a test written to evaluate the ability of an applicant to access a wide range of verbal reasoning skills. A verbal reasoning test makes it possible to determine the ability of an applicant to be rational and reasonable when facing a particular scenario.
A verbal reasoning test can be in the form of true statements, false statements and other questions that require logical inputs. Verbal reasoning questions on this test are usually culled from letter sequences, reading comprehension, deductive reasoning dilemmas, and analogy. The test is progressively difficult. In other words, the more you progress through the test, the more complex the questions become.
What Is the Relevance of Verbal Reasoning Tests?
Every test serves as a means of assessment for the intelligent quota of a person. The same goes for the verbal reasoning test. Through this test, employers can easily forecast the potential job performance of an applicant better than an interview, curriculum vitae or any other means of assessment would allow.
A verbal reasoning test allows an employer to measure how proficient an applicant is in the English language, that is, in speaking and writing. In other words, it helps to test your communication skills. The test determines if you can communicate effectively and efficiently with others. Furthermore, a verbal reasoning test serves as an evaluation of your intelligence, initiative and business acumen.
Are There Any Specific Expectations from a Verbal Reasoning Test?
First, it is important to know that although all verbal reasoning tests assess the same requirements, there are certain differences in the tests themselves. There are various manufacturers of verbal reasoning tests, and it is really helpful to know who prepared yours. To know this, you can ask from the human resources unit and, no, don’t feel as if you’re going over the edge, it is a totally usual thing to ask.
Verbal reasoning tests are divided into verbal comprehension and verbal critical reasoning.
Types of Verbal Reasoning Exams
The following are the various question types you’ll come across in your verbal reasoning test:
- True/False/Can not say: This question type presents you with a statement or passage and requires you to choose if the arguments following the passage are true, false or inconclusive.
- True format: This form tends to confirm that a given argument is reasonable and logical if checked with opinions or messages in a writeup.
- False Format: This form aims to express that the statement in discourse does not rationally or reasonably follow the message of a passage.
- Cannot Say: This form shows that it is impossible to ascertain the statement made if checked with the passage. That is to say; more information is needed before a conclusion can be reached on the statement.
- Explicit Multiple Choice: In this question type, the right choice to the statement is obvious and explicit. It does not require much deductive reasoning as long as you have a good grasp of verbal understanding. Examples of this question type are when you’re asked to answer questions such as “what…?”, “who…?” or “where…?” This is because the answer to them is obvious in the passage or paragraph.
- Implicit Multiple Choice: The implicit multiple choice presents arguments whose claims cannot be easily verified. Answers are not directly seen in the passage. They have to be deduced from statements that infer them. Great deductive reasoning skill is required to solve this question type. Examples of this question type are when you’re asked to answer questions such as “what prompted the lady…?” or “what may have caused…?”.
- Meta Multiple Choice: This is the broadest and trickiest question type. They do not ask questions that are specific to the information in the passage. Rather, they require you to put in your thoughts. Examples of this question type are when you’re asked to answer questions such as “what is your assumption…?”, “do you think…?” or “what are your views on…?”

Tips for Passing a Verbal Reasoning Test
Passing your verbal reasoning test can be absolutely easy and even fun if you know the right places to look and the appropriate things to do. We will, therefore, be highlighting certain tips that have helped past applicants to scale this hurdle. If adhered to, these tips will ensure you smash the records in your verbal reasoning test. They are:
- Read each piece of the text at least twice: It is pertinent to know that the test questions are deliberately written in styles that may make them difficult and confusing for applicants. Little pieces of the text can fail you, especially if they are not clearly understood. You are thus advised to read and reread the provided passage (s), and even a third time if possible. This will fully help you understand the basis of the passage and its theme.
- Be time-conscious: This tip should be employed right from when you start practising. You are encouraged to go through practice questions adopting the same timeframe that will be allowed during the actual test. Doing this will make you completely aware of your time and will, therefore, direct you on what to do and when to do. For the actual test, you should know the allotted time and make appropriate allocations of minutes to each question. A large percentage of verbal reasoning tests allow 30 minutes for 30 questions, making it ideal to apply the one question per minute rule.
- Improve your use of the English Language: Many of us have been applying the rules of grammar wrongly. This is even worse for people who consider English as a second language. We recommend that you read lots of grammatically proficient books, papers, magazines and at the same time, communicate more frequently with it. What else, you should constantly strive to adhere to the rules of grammar strictly. Improve your absorption rate, learn from your past mistakes, and finetune your ability to analyze and reach decisions critically.
- Practice, lots of practice: This is of course very important. Inadequate preparation leads to adequate failure. The distinguishing factor between successful and unsuccessful applicants is most often the level, consistency, and scope of preparations. Practice as many questions as possible. In fact, we ask that you start practising as soon as you get slated for the test. You can obtain different practice questions online for free but may be required to pay for more comprehensive and absorbing packages.
Be Optimal with Special Preparation Materials
Special preparation materials are very crucial to passing your test. These materials are mainly based on test providers since each provider style varies from that of the other. However, due to the trickery posed by the several types of verbal reasoning tests, it is no longer rare to come across misleading and poorly formatted preparation materials.
Our experts, aware of the dangers caused by misleading practice packages and fully conversant with all aspects of verbal reasoning tests, have designed fantastic preparation packages that are specifically suited to match your needs. Our materials offer actual test questions as well as their exact answers, even including further explanations to make it very easy for you. If willing, you can get this pack for a very affordable amount.
Please read this before you start your Verbal Reasoning Test:
- Our goal is that you can pass the test with confidence.
- Our system will allow you to go through step by step so you can practice and understand the topics of the test you will take.
- We’ve written a Study Guide for you to help improve your skills and increase your chances of getting your job.
- The test has 10 parts divided into topics.
- At the end of each section, you will see the answer to each detailed question and explanation.
- There is no limit to the number of times you can do each test