- Basic Math
- Numerical Reasoning & Series
- Verbal Reasoning
- Logical Reasoning (Inductive & Deductive)
- Situational Judgement Tests
- Personality Tests
- Spatial Reasoning Tests
- Mechanical Reasoning
- Error Checking Tests
- Memory Tests
- Grid Challenge
What is an Engineering Aptitude Test?
An Engineering aptitude test is a pre-employment exam designed to assess applicants’ skills and organizational culture. It is often used to vet candidates to determine if they would be a good fit for the company. While each company has its own combination of exams, most have a similar set of tests that help them sort through job applicants.
There are a number of engineering roles that might require an aptitude test. From mechanical to geotechnical engineers, there are hundreds of subcategories in the engineering world. Many of these positions use aptitude tests to screen job applicants.
Let’s look at the most common assessments for engineering jobs.
Types of Engineering Assessments
Situational Judgment Test (SJT)
The SJT examines how capable a candidate is at selecting appropriate responses to various situations. The test assesses psychological aptitude by using hypothetical questions and multiple-choice answers to mimic potential scenarios within the workplace. This may include challenging situations that require quick-thinking and good discernment. SJTs are often designed specifically for the company issuing the exam. For this reason, an engineering SJT will likely include questions geared towards an engineer’s workplace.
Basic Math and Numerical Test
The math test, or numerical reasoning test, assesses one’s logic and reasoning abilities. These tests evaluate your basic proficiency in calculations and data comprehension. Basic math tests are often time-limited, making it easy to make mistakes. Therefore, knowing basic mathematical formulas ahead of time can prepare you for this kind of test.
Personality Test
The personality test is a questionnaire that screens prospective employees to see if their personalities are compatible with the company’s culture. A personality test is a quick way for companies to assess one’s interests, temperament, and customer service skills. Characteristics that an engineering company looks for depends on the company, but generally speaking, engineering companies look for employees who are organised, logical, imaginative, and decisive.
Verbal Reasoning Test
Verbal reasoning tests are commonly used psychometric evaluations. The format generally consists of passages of texts followed by questions pertaining to the passages. Your logic, comprehension, and reasoning skills will be tested in order to measure cognitive capabilities.
Mechanical Test
This test covers the mechanical and electrical aspects of physics. Your ability to understand energy in motion, electrical voltage, circuitry, and math formulas will be evaluated. This challenging exam is often a very important element of an engineering company’s screening process and therefore must be fully prepared for in order to pass with a high score.
Spatial Reasoning Test
The spatial reasoning test assesses geometric and spatial comprehension. Common spatial examination questions include displaying various images of 3-dimensional shapes and asking test takers to rotate or sequence the images.
Psychometric Test
Psychometric tests use the scientific method to measure one’s mental and behavioural characteristics. These tests measure how suitable a job candidate is for the role by determining the levels in which the candidate’s personality and cognitive skills match the skills required for that particular job.
Sample Questions
Below are a few examples of questions you might encounter during an engineering examination.
Question 1:
The equation for calculating Fahreheit (F) and Celcius (C) is as follows: F= 9/5C + 32
Therefore, 55F is equivalent to:
A) 57.5C B) 2.3C C) 12.8C D) 77.9C
Answer: 12.8
Question 2:
Where would your ideal job be located?
A) In a major city B) I’d like to travel for work C) In the countryside D) Remote/online
Answer: There is no correct answer for this question, as it is a personality question, but the job you’re applying to might prefer applicants who select an answer most similar to the company’s work environment.
How can I pass my Engineering Aptitude Test?
By now, you are probably wondering where do I begin? Fortunately, there are things you can do to pass your engineering aptitude test.
- Take practice exams and study supplemental resources to familiarize yourself with the content.
- Time yourself during the math practice exams to prepare for taking tests under pressure.
- Make note of parts that are difficult for you and review them.
- Create a similar environment to the actual test by taking practice tests in a secluded location, free of distractions.
By understanding the questions that will be asked of you during the aptitude test, and by preparing in a realistic environment, you’re setting the tone for success.
Prepare for Your Test
JobAssessmentHelp is here to support you in every step of your test preparation. Our engineering aptitude test preparation material offers you a broad variety of relevant content and test prep that will help you prepare for your engineering assessment. Our tests highlight the main issues you will encounter during the job application process and what you can do to get a higher score on your exam.
Reach out to us today so that you can get hired tomorrow.