- Cubiks Assessments
- Numerical Reasoning
- Verbal Reasoning
- Logical Reasoning (Inductive & Deductive)
- Situational Judgement Tests
- Personality Tests
So you plan on taking the FDM aptitude test and joining their team? It won’t be an easy feat to achieve, but it’s not impossible. The FDM Group is considerably strict with their hiring process, and this is precisely why you want to dot your i’s and cross your t’s before taking any of their tests, including the aptitude test. If you arm yourself with the right information (which we will supply here) and stick to helpful pieces of advice (which we’re also about to give you here), you will be grinning from ear to ear when you’re done taking the aptitude test.
First things first.
What is FDM?
Put simply; FDM is a global company that provides IT and professional consultancy services with their headquarters in London. These guys are amongst the best, and they have many awards to prove that. What do they do to get the best minds in their nest? They enrol some high-quality ex-military men and high-class university graduates for their programs, train them thoroughly in various disciplines, and deploy them to top organizations.
But to be among these selected few, you must first pass all of their assessments in flying colours. One of the assessments you need to pass is their aptitude test. Once you do, you’ll get the opportunity to train with the FGM group, after which you’ll be offered a contract that lasts two years, in which you’ll work with top-class institutions as a consultant.
FDM trains recruits in various disciplines ranging from Business Intelligence, Project Management, Information Security, and Data Science. However, their main strength is Information Technology.
FDM General Aptitude Test
To know how best to approach FDM’s aptitude test, you must understand what an aptitude test is and why the company gives candidates the test. The general aim of an Aptitude test is to gauge a candidate’s ability or knowledge in one or more disciplines. Naturally, those who have to take this kind of test are often students looking to get admitted into an educational institution, or employees undergoing screening for a job.
What Does FDM’s Aptitude Test Entail?
FDM’s aptitude test covers 50 multiple-choice questions. This test falls under the assessment day category, which means it is one of the last tests you’ll take before your final FDM interview. Usually, the multiple-choice questions are linked in one way or another to business, situational judgment, IT, logical thinking, and verbal reasoning.
Expect to take the test under strict examination conditions. You’ll have about an hour to complete it. Like most aptitude tests, FDM’s aptitude test will comprise of many multiple-choice questions, which will gradually become increasingly difficult as you progress. Keep in mind that with the time limit, the test is carefully designed to sift candidates thoroughly. This way, only those who can provide accurate answers while keeping to time will make it through. Here’s a breakdown of the kind of questions you’ll come across.
IT Questions
In FDM’s aptitude test, you’ll come across several questions focussed on IT related topics. Some of them include programming, terminologies associated with Information technology such as SQL and HTTP, operating systems, and some other related questions. Also, get ready to see computer knowledge questions because they’re a huge part of most test lists. Plus, being an IT company, a lot of emphasis will be placed on IT-related questions.
Success Tips
- Get familiar with IT terms
- Practice Computer knowledge questions thoroughly
- Research current trends in the IT industry
- Do thorough background research on FDM.
- Practice with mock IT questions
Situational Judgement Questions
In a situational judgment test, you will be required to answer tricky questions concerning how you will respond in specific work scenarios. These questions aim to measure the candidate’s emotional intelligence. Since it is a multiple-choice test, you’ll be given 4 -5 likely actions, and you’ll have to choose the one you consider to be the best course of action for the given scenario. Situational questions do not have a right or wrong answer, and this is why they’re somewhat difficult to answer.
Success Tips
- Practice sample questions as this makes you more familiar with the kind of questions you’ll come across. But more importantly; you’ll see how these questions are answered and learn to answer them yourself.
- Research the company. This is a timeless tip that will work whenever you’re taking any interview or test. Learning about the company you’re applying to (in this case FDM) will help you figure out what’s important to them and how they prefer their employees to act. Once you’ve mastered their values, aims, and objectives, it’ll help you answer better.
- Read the question thoroughly before answering. An option may seem like the correct answer but isn’t
- Some questions may require you to rank responses. Learn to do just that and not try to determine if the options are right or wrong.
Logical Thinking Questions
With logical thinking questions, what you’ll come across are questions centred on picking out patterns or using logic to conclude. This is why they are also called critical thinking questions. Usually, these questions come in the form of shapes and other visual graphics like graphs. They also entail abstract and diagrammatic tests.
For example, you could be asked to complete a picture or point out an odd image among a group of photos. You’ll be provided with answer options. To choose the right answer, you need to look at patterns and understand their relationship to each other. As you must have already figured out, this test aims to measure your ability to think logically and solve problems fast.
Success Tips
- Make a habit of Practicing diagrammatic IQ tests.
- List out the different rules guiding shapes, sizes, and numbers and commit them to memory. This will help you develop methodologies while solving a logical reason question.
- In as much as there are different rules to consider, approach them one at a time. Focusing on only one rule at a time will make things easier for you and will help keep you on track.
- Be time conscious. It can be very easy to lose track of time when solving logical reasoning questions. Don’t get carried away. If a question starts eating up more of your time, move to the next one.
- Watch out for clues in the provided options. Sometimes, it’s easier to look at the possible answers and let it help you quickly spot that missing link in the question.
Verbal Reasoning Questions
Verbal reasoning questions are essentially included in aptitude tests to measure how well a candidate can understand, evaluate, and interpret written text. It covers the candidate’s understanding of grammar, vocabulary, spelling, word analogy, reading, and comprehension skills. Verbal reasoning questions can be challenging because the options often have very subtle differences, which you may miss if you don’t read and analyze the given text thoroughly.
Success Tips
- Practice mock verbal reasoning tests. This will aid your learning process and increase your chances of passing the test.
- Read actively and not passively. This way, you’ll be 100% involved, and thus, you’ll quickly catch subtle clues.
- It’ll help to first go through the questions before proceeding to read the passage
- Avoid assuming answers, especially if it’s not in the text. Make sure your answer has proof. But if you can’t find the right answer soon enough, don’t stress. Simply move to the next question.
It is a wise move to link your answers to FDM’s values, no matter how distant. After all, what the company is truly looking for are people that can be easily moulded to fit their values as an organization. Being teachable and having a deep-seated desire to learn will get you closer to becoming a member of the FDM group. However, prepare adequately and never forget how important it is to practice, practice, practice. Do this, and you’ll be well on your way to secure your slot in FDM’s training scheme.